Monday, March 30, 2015

"Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for " - Bob Marley

Today is one of those days that I feels the need to blog. 
I have this tingling feeling that has been bugging me for the past week.  
I just couldn't figure out what,or why.
Well, all i'm guessing is that it might have comes from both sides ; work & personal life. 
Well, for the time being, i don't have any luck with both sides. A lot of craziness around. 
All i wanted to do is crawl into a tiny hole (will try my hardest to squeeze through it, HAHA) and hide. 
I just can't face the whole madness that is happening right now. 
I just want to disappear. 
People just don't understand the shit loads of stress that i am facing at this moment. 
All they know is instruct, give orders and things will be done. 
I have enough on my plate and they keeps giving me more and more until it overflown. 
I am honestly just waiting for the time when i will just explode and stomp my way out of the office. Having a difficult colleague just makes matter worse. 
Why can't she just leave & give us,especially me a room to breathe. Her constant instructions (she herself bend the whole rules that she set) and orders just make me sick to my stomach. She herself isn't doing anything major to be honest. 
All she does is finding people fault. 
I just don't understand, how can she actually sleep at night when her action causes chaos to other...
Mark my words, with constant hates & criticism, she wouldn't be long. (Ain't cursing her, just keep it real)


Song of the week: Let it go by #JamesBay
Quote of the week: "My Silence is Just Another Word For My Pain"

Monday, January 12, 2015


Was on vacation last month and sadly, it was one of the "worse" trip i ever gone to. 
I am not being a brat or unappreciative but there wasn't much to blog about. 
It was raining non-stop for most of the days i was there. 
There wasn't much "activities" that I could participate beside catching up on sleep. 
Well, managed to snap a couple of pictures that I'm guessing worth posting. 

the Sunset view from the "old-parment"
umbrella kind-of day to the beach

Well, that's it for the Holiday post!