Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas"

I am all excited and hype up for Christmas. 
Well, even though technically i don't celebrate Christmas (due to religion restriction), I still do appreciate the beautiful, vibrant display that are being decorated around town. 
Usually i will jump into the opportunity to get away from the busy street of town, the hustle and bustle of people rushing from shop to shop to get their hands on the best deal for gifts, however, during this type of holidays season, I just love being in the centre of it just to experience the jovial Christmas spirits

On a separate note, will be going for an holiday in 2 weeks' time. It is a much needed holiday after having a crazy, hectic year this year. It is also for me to recuperate before 2015 comes. 
Will definitely be posting the post-holiday pictures once I'm back 

Alright, I have plenty of books recommendation for this month. Let's begin. 

1st Read - Lets make a band - 5SOS
2nd  Read - Girl Online - Zoe Sugg
3rd/4th Read - Jane Green
5th Read - Casual Vacancy - J.K Rowling

As for song recommendation, I'm currently hook to 5SOS- What I like about you.

I will end this post with "The gift of Christmas is a precious reminder that we are being loved!"


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